Friday, June 27, 2008

Beaders Block

Its coloring time.
Do you get stuck in a color rut when designing? I sometimes feel like the colors in my bead pallet are never going to get used. Here is a tool that might help.
Color pallet generator is an online progam that lets you import a picture from the web and extract the colors.

Here is what to do open this web page. (Right click and open link in a new window)

Then open a new web page to google images (or any other image search you like)

I typed in "nature" in the image search and found a photo I liked.
Click on the photo and you will see a split screen appear. The photo you selected will be on top and the webpage it appears on is in the bottom frame.

Click on the photo in the top frame. This will give you the URL for the photo in the address bar of your browser.

Copy this link and paste it into the Color pallete Generator and press the button.

Cool huh?
The only image limitations I found is the picture must be under 800x800.

Heres some more samples.

Try searching animals, fabric swatches, flowers etc.

Well I'm off to rearrange my delicas.


Marlaine said...

Thanks for sharing that. I'll have to play with it!

GrandmaMarilyn said...

Wow! That is really cool. I have a hard time with color combinations. Thank you for pointing this out to us.

SarahKelley said...

Oooh, but that's neat!

adina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
adina said...

What a great tool! Thanks for sharing it!

(also - I just left a comment with a typo so that's why I removed it! ;-) )

PinkPoochDesigns said...

That's really cool!

:-) MaryLou said...

That's a great link! Thanks so much for posting it. :-) I'm off to try it out for awhile.

HDB said...

Wow - this is very cool! How lucky we are that you went blogging! Thanks! Linda

Kerrie Slade said...

Hey that looks like fun - thanks for sharing PJ :)

Anna said...

Very cool! Thanks for much for sharing it!

Smadar's Treasure said...
